Celine, a physical therapist, and Linda, an occupational therapist, have worked with clients who have motor impairments for many years. Their training focused on improving postural control and increasing function to allow individuals to be as independent as possible.  Linda would fabricate  individual tools which allowed clients with grasp deficits to do fun, functional activities. Every activity required a new molded tool so that clients could paint, color, eat, write, access their phone or computer. When markers were of different sizes, a mold had to be made for each. There was no one commercially available product that could hold many different items, securely. Seeing the need to make grasp opportunities available to as many persons as possible, they brainstormed options, pooled intellectual and financial resources, and created the functionalhand®, a truly universal product supporting grasp! 

Product Reviews

The Functionalhand is a game changer for the Special Needs world! For individuals like my son Silas, who often have trouble holding onto objects in a functional position or holding objects that are different sizes and tough for him to grasp due to his CP, the functionalhand steps in! Silas uses his functionalhand to paint, write, glue, and draw. He’s even used it to hold his lollipop, dye Easter eggs and hold onto action figures and toys for imaginative play! The possibilities are endless. We can’t wait to use it to help him garden this year as well, and we are quick to grab it to help anytime we bake! We highly recommend this tool to help open up the possibilities for your loved one who might struggle with fine motor skills.

Melly Brown, Parent

Thank you so much for emailing me back in September to explain the timeline of delivery. We received the Functional Hands last week and they are fabulous! Congratulations on creating such a superb product that has opened up more independent engagement for my son. Soooo happy and worth the wait.


Yeah!!..Finally a tool that has eliminated the frustration of tools attempted thus far: strongly holds object in place during actual use, comfortable in the average hand, accommodates various tools/objects and various sizes quickly and easily, durable, lightweight, allows so many kids with neuro problems to finally participate with their hands!!

Diane Ryan, OTR/L, NDTA Instructor, International Speaker

This lets every child in the classroom use classroom supplies, regardless of their physical abilities

Heather Goodsell, Teacher

My son can do his homework now because of the functionalhand.

Maritza S, Parent

This is the first time Gabriel has held anything. His Grandfather was an artist and now he can paint.

Yvonne A, Parent

After seeing the fun functionalhand, I realized that what you have is something that will work and I love it!

Karen W, Therapro (after focus group demonstration, Boston, MA)